Friday, August 13, 2010

Altered Direction

"Altered Direction"
Monotype on Lama Li paper 

I'm to going to soon start graduate school in printmaking. This marks a big change in my career direction as well as my life. I'm going in as a non-traditional student due to my advanced years compared to my fellow grad students. It should be an interesting experience since the last time I was in college was in the mid-80s.

Even though I have a very full schedule, I will try to continue to post to this blog and offer insights as well as offer new-to-me techniques that I anticipate I'll be learning along the way.

I know that my posting schedule hasn't always been like clockwork and I guess that will continue with the new direction I'm going in my life. But I am dedicated to this blog and will try to post as often as I can. I think it may be interesting to offer it as a diary of a printmaking student for the next 2 years where my life will be going in a decidedly altered direction.

Happy creating!