Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Solo Show opening in March in Beacon

Solo show, Prints and Ghosts, from March 10–April 8 at Theo Ganz Studio in Beacon. The opening reception will be on March 10 from 6–8 PM.

This exhibition will feature mixed-media monotype explorations of animals. The show includes an exciting new series which deals with variations on single themes and how they both relate to and diverge from one another.

Many of the prints were created using similar watercolor monotype techniques described on this blog here.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Monoprint, Monotype, Strappo E-Zine

MM&S E-Zine
My work was included in the latest issue of MM&S e-zine along with some truly great printmakers. I feel privileged to have work in the same publication as these talented artists. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Monotype Print at Sacred Gallery Show

From Russia, With Love, Monotype
© Elana Goren
Trumpocolypse: What Now? at the Sacred Gallery in NYC has extended their show until the end of January. The opening was on Jan 20 as a counter-event to the Inauguration in DC. I have a couple of pieces in this show, one of which, a monotype, is shown above. Please visit this really great show of political art from very talented artists.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Protest Posters - Free Downloads

Protest poster for Women's March
This protest poster, among others, has been made available for free download on my website at http://elanagoren.com/downloads.html.  Please feel free to use this if you need a sign and plan to protest at the Women's March in DC (or other city/town) on January 21.  Here's another available for free download that was popular on facebook:

Protest poster for Women's March

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Protest Posters--UPDATED

Protest Crude Disasters, Linocut
© Elana Goren
UPDATE: This is what the final linocut looks like. I omitted the oil pipeline from Orange Julius' head since I thought it was too weird and distracting. The linocut is on display at Trumpocolypse: What Now? at the Sacred Gallery in NYC and there is a high-res, downloadable, digital version at elanagoren.com. Thanks to Blond Jenny who posted some shots of the opening on the Sacred Gallery facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sacred-Gallery/126499077405905

This is the initial plan for a 18" x 24" woodcut poster that I may be carrying at the Women's March on January 21, 2017. I'm also working on a more woman-oriented one that might be more appropriate. I can save this one for a more general and/or environmental protest. I'll be working on this for the next couple of weeks. This will be one side of the poster.

The other side will be this:
Silkscreened on foam core. Two very different styles, I know, but without access to silkscreen facilities for the next few weeks, I opted to do a woodcut which I can print in my studio.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Solo Show at the Paramount in Peekskill, NY

I was asked on Tuesday to exhibit my work at the Paramount Hudson Valley theater gallery. The thing is, they wanted the show up by today. So, basically, I pulled together a solo show, designed the posters and helped hang the show in two days. The framed work was packed, delivered and hung by late Friday afternoon and the posters were also printed by then. I have honestly never pulled a show together this fast. Whew!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Quote from MLK

I've been helping Farm Sanctuary, creating graphics for them to use on social media. This great Martin Luther King quote was posted today on Facebook by Gene Baur who is the founder of Farm Sanctuary: