After being laid up with a bad back, I'm about to move to a bigger studio (my back is groaning at the thought) and get it ready for Peekskill Open Studios on June 6. I'm also going to teach a new etching class which I am looking forward to but has required alot of preparation and set-up since it's the first time in a long while that this class is being offered at the Garrison Art Center. Added to work and my other daily obligations, it's been pretty hectic and stressful. To pile on, my mom's in critical condition in the hospital. It's alot of physically and emotionally draining stuff, but the art helps keep me focused and navigates me back when I'm feeling lost and overwhelmed. So, in my quest to keep my restless and worried mind occupied, I started experimenting with monoprinting.

It's kind of fun and frustrating, spontaneous and deliberate, versatile and rigid. All the contradictory combinations that make experimenting with it seem like you'll get somewhere if you keep at it. I need to practice a bit but the print above is an initial attempt. It kind of forces me to be less detailed, more general in my rendering. I used the edge of the brayer to render the contour lines so I didn't have as much control as I would using a brush. But I like the line that the brayer makes. The energy of the rendering almost feels like it's moving since multiple lines run over each other and the mixture of positive and negative contour lines has potential in my mind.

I also printed a ghost (second, lighter) print of the lamb and decided to "paint" over it with oil sticks. The oil sticks were easier for me to make direct marks than the brayer edge and I was able to add more detail. The added control tightened up the drawing somewhat and I'm not sure that's really what I wanted to do. I always seem to gravitate in that direction, though. Additionally, the oil sticks are really too oily for this purpose and the oil seeped through the paper. What do you think? Any suggestions about working over a print to enhance it? This inquiring mind would love to know.

1 comment:
It's lil old me again...like the print you have done with monoprint applications. Also appreciate what you are saying concerning the potential possibilities it offers for future use.
Re working a monoprint further - well one idea I thought of was this and its particularly relevant if you are doing the follow up 'ghost'/ second print.
If you used a thin lightweight paper for this - then you could do 'trace monotype on it after it's dry. Of course making sure that its a finely rolled ink layer on the plate AND that you use a 'bridge' such as a firm length of wood or a steel ruler so you don't get 'unwanted' paper-to-ink -contact.
Beforehand - you could put it up against a window and lightly pencil in (on the reverse) where you want to change it or e.g., make some lines darker. It may be that you have a sufficiently large lightbox which would probably be even better.
I know what you mean about the oil sticks being too heavy.
Hope your back is feeling better soon - I know only too well what a total 'pigs ear' it is, having pain affect your daily activities and that includes the dreading of those that are forthcoming ( like your studio move and prep for the forthcoming etching classes)
Be careful and don't overdo it . It really isn't worth risking it to end up with a more permanently disabling condition such as mine.
Sorry to hear about your mom being so ill -- you surely do have a lot on your plate to contend with so don't overdo things -- be kind to yourself.
best wishes
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